For any question, query, or clarification regarding these terms and conditions of this agreement, or for comments and complaints regarding our website, please contact us, either by phone or by

e-mail. The use of vivioplus.gr by each user is carried out at his own sole responsibility. The content of the website does not constitute and cannot under any circumstances be interpreted as providing advice, directly or indirectly encouraging users to take any action or action. The evaluation of the content is up to each user who assumes responsibility for the use of any part of it.

On vivioplus.gr there may be “links” (links or banners) to other websites, whose management does not belong to

vivioplus.gr and does not exercise any control over the services provided and the personal data protection policy they follow. The use of the above websites is subject exclusively to their own terms of use, of which users must be informed. vivioplus.gr bears absolutely no responsibility for any losses or damages that may occur to users from their use. Connecting to the above links is carried out at the user’s own risk.

The websites of vivioplus.gr and the services offered through them are addressed exclusively to adults. Minors are prohibited from using or visiting it, as well as entering into transactions. vivioplus.gr bears absolutely no responsibility for any visit to the website and its use by minors, given that it cannot check the identity of incoming visitors/users.


vivioplus.gr is not responsible for side effects and damages from the use of ordered products due to incorrect product selection by the user, careless or incorrect use of the products, or the fault of the manufacturer, such as manufacturing fault, incomplete information or accompanying instructions the products, quality of workmanship, safety of materials and actual defects. Our liability in the case of a defective product is limited to the obligation to replace it, as long as the conditions for returning products are met.

Product information is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the recommendations of a physician or other healthcare professional, nor to provide diagnosis, treatment, treatment or prevention of any disease. The vivioplus.gr products are not intended for the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of diseases. The material, content and claims of advertising listings are the intellectual property and responsibility of the companies advertising their products. No warranty, express or implied, is given, written or unwritten, as to the accuracy and correctness of the information provided by this website. In response to user questions, advice and information provided by this website are completely valid and reliable, but are given without prejudice to the accuracy, completeness and truth of the information provided by the user on the issue that concerns him, the characteristics of which ( information) we are not able, nor are we obliged to confirm. In the event that the user provides untrue, inaccurate and/or incomplete information, our Company is released from responsibility for the validity of the advice provided to the user and from responsibility for damage to the user from information unsuitable for his needs and/or advice.

vivioplus.gr is not responsible for any temporary or permanent inability to provide its services and for delays in the acceptance and execution of orders and delivery of the ordered products for reasons that cannot be attributed to its fault, such as indicative reasons of force majeure, extreme weather phenomena, natural disasters, emergency situations, strikes, fire, malfunctions of cooperating courier companies, accidental deterioration or destruction of the products before delivery to the user and after they are given for shipment, illegal interventions of the counterparty or a third party, malfunction of the Online Payment Processing provider (Bank) or hosting service provider (Host Provider) or Internet service provider (ISP) or access service provider (Access Provider) or the user’s terminal equipment, incorrect provision of information by the user and in general for any incident that prevents the smooth fulfillment of contractual of obligations. The Company’s responsibility is limited to its contractual obligations with the consumer and it will make every effort to meet them within a reasonable period of time.

vivioplus.gr is under no circumstances liable for any legal claims (civil and/or criminal), nor for any damage (positive, special, or consequential which indicatively and not restrictively, disjunctively and/or cumulatively consists of loss of profits , data, lost profits, monetary satisfaction, etc.), which arises for users/visitors of this website, or for third parties, for a reason related to the operation or non-operation and/or use of the website and/or failure provision of services and/or information available through it and/or from any unauthorized interference by third parties in products and/or services and/or information available through it. Also, vivioplus.gr bears absolutely no responsibility for damage or damage, or infection by electronic viruses and/or other malicious programs, on the computer or other electronic means used by a user/visitor to access this website, nor is it responsible for damage related to impossibility of execution, error, omission, interruption, defect, operation or transmission delay or system line drop, etc. The company is not responsible for the poor condition of the delivered products as long as it is not due to faulty storage by vivioplus.gr and as long as all the necessary preventive measures were taken.


vivioplus.gr makes the maximum effort, so that the information and the entire content of the website are governed by accuracy, correctness, clarity, completeness, temporal proximity, adequacy and availability, however, it does not guarantee and is not responsible for achieving the existence of the elements of these. In no case, including this negligence, is vivioplus.gr not liable for any kind of damage that may be caused to the user of the website as a result of its use.

The information and other data available to users through the website, to the extent that they do not concern vivioplus.gr itself, are collected by vivioplus.gr from publicly accessible sources and are provided to website users solely for informational purposes. . Any of this information does not constitute opinions or express positions of hers

vivioplus.gr. vivioplus.gr does not evaluate, assess, adopt, accept or approve the information, and the provision of this information through the website can in no way be considered to constitute the provision of advice or recommendation, offer, proposal or acceptance of a proposal to draw up any contract or transaction with vivioplus.gr or with third parties. The user is solely responsible for the use, evaluation, assessment and exploitation of the information provided. The taking of any business or other decisions based on this information is the sole responsibility of the user and vivioplus.gr is not obliged to cover or correct any losses or differences from the use of the information provided through the website.


The Internet is not a secure environment and, although vivioplus.gr uses anti-virus software, it does not guarantee that the functions of the website will be uninterrupted or free from any kind of errors and viruses and is not responsible for any loss of data or other damage of the user or third parties, due either to use/copying/downloading or to alteration or infection with viruses or other unauthorized interventions by third parties in files and information available through the website. The user is solely responsible for protecting his system against viruses.


The content of the website (programs, information material of any form, data, software, graphics, trademarks, brands, logos, etc.) is the property of vivioplus.gr or its respective beneficiary, which is protected by the provisions of Greek and Community legislation . It is prohibited to modify, publish, transmit, transfer, reproduce, distribute, present, link, download or otherwise exploit, in whole or in part, the content of the website in any way or by any means for commercial or other purposes, without the prior written permission of vivioplus.gr or the respective beneficiary.

This website and its content, including images, graphics, photographs, designs, texts, information materials, services and products provided, trademarks, brands, distinctive features, any form of data, software, unless otherwise stated for specific third party rights , are the intellectual and industrial property of vivioplus.gr and are protected in accordance with the relevant provisions of Greek and European law and international conventions. Also, anything that is transferred, retransmitted or sent through this website is the property of vivioplus.gr, as long as this is possible and legal.

According to N. 2121/1993 (as amended and in force today), the Berne International Convention (ratified by Law 100/1975) and the relevant provisions on the protection of intellectual property on the internet, copying, modification, interference of any kind is expressly prohibited , transfer, distribute, resell, rent, republish, reproduce, retransmit in electronic or mechanical form, store, print, create a derivative work, upload (download) by anyone or mislead the public as to the true carrier of the content.

The content of vivioplus.gr does not constitute and under no circumstances should it be understood as granting an express or implied license or right to use any Trademark that appears on it without the written permission of the company or third parties that may own the trademarks that appear to her. The trademarks, logos, distinguishing features that appear on vivioplus.gr and the depictions of persons or places or things that are part of its content are the property of the company or third parties. Their use is strictly prohibited without securing prior written permission from the company, unless there is a different provision in the current terms of use.

Products, services, brand, trademarks or distinguishing features of third parties that appear on vivioplus.gr are the intellectual and industrial property of the third parties, who also bear the relevant responsibility.

The information submitted to the company through vivioplus.gr is considered non-confidential information and does not constitute the property of the user in question. Everything transferred or retransmitted or sent via vivioplus.gr remains the property of the company, as far as this is possible. vivioplus.gr may collect limited and necessary information for its general commercial activities.


Through the website, users may be provided with the possibility to go through special links (links, hyperlinks, banners) to third-party websites, the content of which is created under the sole responsibility of these persons. vivioplus.gr does not guarantee their availability and neither approves nor is responsible for the content, correctness, legality, completeness, timeliness and accuracy of the information nor for the quality and properties of the products or services, which are available from these persons through of the above websites. vivioplus.gr is also not responsible for errors or malfunctions of third-party websites, as well as for any damage to users from accessing and using the information, services and products provided through them.


The use of the services of vivioplus.gr presupposes the agreement of the users to the following rules of conduct:

The users of the website must comply with the rules and provisions of Greek, European and International Law and the relevant legislation governing telecommunications and refrain from any illegal and abusive behavior when using it and in relation to it, as well as from the adoption of unfair competition practices and other illegal practices. The user of the website is responsible for any damage caused to the website of vivioplus.gr, related to the bad or unfair use of the website and the services offered through it. In the event that vivioplus.gr becomes involved in any legal battle or is asked to pay any kind of compensation due to the violation of the user’s obligations provided for in these terms, the user will have to compensate vivioplus.gr for this reason.

  • The user understands and agrees that he must evaluate and be responsible for any risk that may be involved in the use of any content, including any decision to rely on the correctness, completeness and/or usefulness of any content. In particular, the user understands and accepts that he cannot rely on the content of the information posted on vivioplus.gr, including the information available on vivioplus.gr.
  • The user understands and accepts that vivioplus.gr does not pre-check the content that is posted, nevertheless vivioplus.gr and its competent partners retain the right, without being obliged, for the exclusive option of refusing to post/publish or move or delete of any content available through vivioplus.gr services. Also, the company and its relevant partners reserve the right to delete any content posted on vivioplus.gr that violates these terms of use.
  • The user is solely responsible for all and any content he posts, publishes, sends, transfers or otherwise makes available through the services of vivioplus.gr. All information, data, texts, graphics, photographs, images, music files, videos, messages and all content, whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, remains the sole responsibility of the natural or legal person from which the content originates from. The company cannot, due to its volume, control all the content posted by its users on vivioplus.gr services, so it does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity, legality, or quality of such content.
  • The user understands and accepts that by using its services

vivioplus.gr may be exposed to offensive, immoral or illegal content. Under no circumstances can vivioplus.gr be held responsible for any error or omission in any content or for any harm or damage that may arise from the use of any content that is posted, sent, transferred or otherwise made available by users on the services of vivioplus.gr. In the event that vivioplus.gr receives notification that any content causes harm to a third party, it reserves the right to proceed with the immediate deletion of this content and at the same time to suspend the operation of the account of the user who violates the terms herein.

  • Since through vivioplus.gr, it is possible to conduct conversations on the Internet, the code of conduct for INTERNET users (NETIQUETTE) should be followed and the adoption of unfair practices by users is prohibited.
  • The user undertakes to strictly follow the existing legislation regarding the transmission of data from Greece and Europe to third countries.

Users/visitors agree that they will not use this website to send by e-mail or otherwise transmit, or publish, content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, annoying, libelous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, blasphemous, libelous, infringing the privacy of third parties, showing empathy or expressing racial, ethnic or other discrimination, which may cause harm to minors in any way, which is not entitled to be transmitted according to law or contractual or managerial relations (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information obtained or disclosed as part of employment relationships or covered in confidentiality agreements), or that infringes intellectual or industrial property rights, or other proprietary rights of third parties, that contains software viruses or any other codes, files or programs designed to disrupt, t causing damage to, or destroying computer operating equipment, software or hardware.

Each user/visitor of this website is also obliged not to carry out actions or omissions that can damage or disrupt its operation and third party access to it, or that can endanger the provision of services offered by vivioplus.gr through it. The use of the website in an illegal manner or in a manner contrary to these Terms, creates an obligation to compensate vivioplus.gr, for any positive or cumulative damage suffered by the above behavior. Also, each user/visitor is obliged not to provide false information about himself, not to impersonate any other person, not to send spam or group mail, nor multiple copies of messages, as well as not to collect information about other users/visitors website without their consent, including financial data and email addresses.

The non-compliance of a user/visitor of this website with the applicable law and/or these Terms gives vivioplus.gr the right to take the necessary measures and to take any necessary action to deal with the behavior in question. Thus, in such cases, vivioplus.gr is entitled, for example, to prohibit access to services it provides through this website or to delete, edit or move messages, respecting the principle of proportionality.


A cookie is a small piece of data that is sent to I.P. addresses of the client’s browsers from a server (web server) and is stored on the hard drive of the client’s computer. Cookies do not cause damage to the customer’s computer system and do not affect its functionality. Cookies also make web browsing easier for the customer by saving their settings. The on-line pharmacy vivioplus.gr uses cookies to provide specialized services and content that covers the interests of the customer. The above cookies do not contain personally identifiable information. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but the customer usually has the option to set his browser to prevent them. Even without cookies, the customer can use most of vivioplus.gr’s services

How can you disable cookies?

Cookies do not pose any risk to the computer of the user/visitor of the website. If someone does not wish to collect information through cookies, they can set their internet browser to delete the cookies already on their hard drive and choose either to automatically reject all new cookies, or to be asked for each time a cookie is about to be installed on the computer’s hard drive, if it wants to reject or accept it. Nevertheless, users/visitors should be aware that choosing to reject cookies will make it more difficult or impossible to use parts and services of the website.

Internet browsers are usually set by default to accept cookies. Therefore, if you want to modify the function of the browser (web browser) you use, so that it warns you about the use of cookies or does not allow the acceptance of the use of cookies under any circumstances, you must refer to the settings of the browser (web browser) you are using.

It is pointed out that not accepting the use of cookies may have an impact on the ability to provide certain services and/or information from vivioplus.gr.


The Company has no responsibility for the user’s communication with the third party service providers advertised on vivioplus.gr and for any commercial transaction that may arise from the relationship between them. The Company is not responsible for the personal data protection policy followed by its advertisers during their transactions with the users of these services.

The user who is interested in advertising on h-pharmacy.grlabyou.gr, in order to receive all the information necessary for this, should send a relevant application and receive express permission from the company. It is not allowed to use the services of vivioplus.gr for the commercial benefit of customers by users of vivioplus.gr, to use other services without prior special permission from the company.

The user who uses the services of vivioplus.gr to post and/or publish information, data, texts, graphics, photos, images, music files, videos, messages, grants permission to the company, for the period of time that the content this is part of vivioplus.gr’s services, to use the space where the content has been posted for advertising purposes. Also, the user who posts and/or publishes information, data, texts, graphics, photos, images, music files, videos, messages consents to the posting and/or publication of advertisements by vivioplus.gr on the relevant pages/services.


All transactions you carry out through vivioplus.gr are governed and protected by International and European law that regulates issues related to electronic commerce (Directive 2000/31/EC, PD 131/2003) as well as by the Consumer Protection Law (L. 2251/1994) which regulates issues related to distance sales. If any provision is deemed invalid or voidable by the competent Greek court, it ceases to be valid, without this affecting the validity of the remaining terms. Any dispute that arises from the use of this website or that concerns these terms, is subject to the jurisdiction of the competent courts of Athens.


vivioplus.gr reserves the right to modify at any time, without prior notice to the users, the present terms of use and the content of the website with their only notification through it, and the users must check each time for possible changes and if they continue to use of the website will be deemed to have accepted the modifications.


vivioplus.gr Implements the most modern Traceability and Quality Assurance Systems. Nevertheless, if a Failure Occurs with the Purchase of a Product, there is a Structured Return Policy which ensures the Restoration of the Failure. In any case, Contact vivioplus.gr’s Customer-Service Immediately by phone or via email at info@vivioplus.gr in order to initiate the Procedure for Repairing the Failure.


In the event that upon receiving an Order, the Consumer discovers a Defective Product, vivioplus.gr Proceeds with an Immediate Replacement of it without any financial burden on the Buyer, or with a Refund of the Money Corresponding to the Value of the Product as well as the Shipping Costs. The Consumer is requested, upon receiving the Product, to Contact vivioplus.gr either by telephone or via email at info@vivioplus.gr. The Product must be accompanied by the Proof of Order. In case of Purchase with Invoice, the Return must be Accompanied by a Shipping Note.


In the event that a Consumer wishes to Return a Product (without the product having a Defect) he may do so under the following Conditions:

  1. i) The Packaging has not been tampered with and the Product is in its Original Condition.
  1. ii) The Return of the Product must be made within 14 (fourteen) Calendar Days from the Purchase Date.

iii) The Consumer must complete the Withdrawal Form which will be sent to him via e-mail. This Form will Accompany the Return of the Product.

  1. iv) The Product must be accompanied by the Proof of Order. In case of Purchase with Invoice, the Return must be accompanied by a Shipping Note.
  2. v) The Consumer is responsible for the Shipping Costs.

In the event that the Product you have Received has Exceeded its Expiration Date, vivioplus.gr Proceeds with an Immediate Replacement of it without any Financial Charge to the Buyer, or a Refund of the Money Corresponding to the Value of your Product as well as the Shipping Costs .


Baby Milk Products are NOT RETURNABLE.